At Taming Olivia, we recognise that although we don’t have direct contact with children, young people and vulnerable adults, we still need a safeguarding policy and procedure. This is because children, young people and vulnerable adults may:
access our content
visit our website
contact us directly via email or direct message.
The well-being of our community is at the heart of everything we do and we take safeguarding very seriously.
The purpose of this policy statement is:
To protect children, young people and adults who access and receive Taming Olivia’s services from harm.
To provide both Pete and I with the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding.
Legal framework
This Taming Olivia safeguarding policy has been drawn up on the basis of legislation, policy and guidance that seeks to protect children and adults in England.
The Children Act (1989)
The Children Act (2004)
The Children and Families Act (2014)
Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015
GDPR (2018)
Equality Act (2010)
Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)
Care Act (2014)
Human Rights Act (1998)
Supporting documents
This policy statement should be read alongside our organisational policies, procedures, guidance and other related documents.
We believe that:
Children, young people and vulnerable adults, should never experience abuse of any kind
We have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all children, young people and vulnerable adults, to keep them safe and to work in a way that protects them where possible.
We recognise that:
The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take
Working in partnership with children, young people, vulnerable adults, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s and vulnerable adults’ welfare.
All children, young people and vulnerable adults, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation have an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse.
Some children, young people and adults are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues.
Extra safeguards may be needed to keep children and adults who are additionally vulnerable safe from abuse.
We will seek to keep children, young people and vulnerable adults safe by:
Appointing a nominated safeguarding lead for children, young people and vulnerable adults
Adopting child protection and safeguarding best practice through our policies, procedures and code of conduct for staff
Developing and implementing an effective online safety policy and related procedures
We will ensure effective training for Catherine as Safeguard lead, and Pete as someone who also has access to Taming Olivia’s comms platforms. We will ensure we both know about and follow our policies, procedures and behaviour codes confidently and competently
Recruiting and selecting staff and volunteers safely, ensuring all necessary checks are made (in the case we expand and take on more staff in the future).
Recording and storing and using information professionally and securely, in line with data protection legislation and guidance
Making sure that children, young people, vulnerable adults and their families and carers know where to go for help if they have a concern
Using our safeguarding and child protection procedures to share concerns and relevant information with agencies who need to know, and involving children, young people, vulnerable adults, parents, families and carers appropriately.
Contact details
Nominated child protection lead
Name: Catherine Benfield
Helpful contact info:
OCD Action Helpline: 0300 636 5478
NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000
We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually. This policy was last reviewed on: 03/02/2025
Signed: Catherine Benfield
Date: 03/02/2025
Catherine Benfield
NSPCC Safeguarding for mental health and emotional wellbeing in education certificate
NSPCC Keeping 16 to 25 year olds safe from abuse certificate
NSPCC Keeping Children Safe Online certificate
NSPCC Charity Trustees: your duties to safeguard and protect certificate
Taming Olivia Safeguarding Procedure
Immediate Emergency Safeguarding Action
Both Pete and I are aware that immediate action may be necessary at any stage during our involvement with children, young people and vulnerable adults.
In all cases it is vital to take whatever action is needed to Safeguard the individual concerned.
Assess the situation – is there a risk of significant harm? If so, other professionals will need to be contacted.
For adults their consent should be obtained before any other professional is involved. Except when the adult lacks mental capacity to make the decision and their wellbeing is at risk or the risk of significant harm to a vulnerable adult or others is imminent. If consent is not given to contact the emergency services and time allows you should contact the safeguarding lead for advice before making this call. If there is an immediate risk of significant harm, always call the emergency services even before contacting the safeguarding lead.
If emergency medical attention is required this can be secured by calling an ambulance (dial 999) without delay.
If a child or adult is in immediate danger the police should be contacted (dial 999) as they alone have the power to remove a child immediately if protection is necessary, via their powers to use Police Protection. They can also detain an adult for assessment by Mental Health Professionals if required.
The Safeguarding Lead for Taming Olivia will need to be informed immediately so that they can monitor the situation and ensure that correct procedure is followed.
Both Pete and I will:
Communicate carefully with any child, young person or adult making a disclosure. We will not directly question them.
Give them time and undivided attention. We will not hurry them or pressure them. The child, young person or adult will be encouraged to share their account of events in a spontaneous manner, without interruption of their free recall or disclosure.
Record an accurate statement of the information given. Care will be taken to record the time, date, setting and any other people present, the child or adult’s presentation as well as what was said. This will be kept securely as it may later be needed as evidence.
Use the actual words shared by the child, young person or vulnerable adult in the recording, as much as possible.
Not offer confidentiality. If possible and appropriate we will explain that they are going to have to share this information to keep the individual safe.
Explain, as much as possible or appropriate, what we are going to do next and what will need to happen to keep the individual safe, at least in the immediate future.
Reassure the individual concerned that they have done the right thing in talking about their situation / experiences. They will reassure the child, young person or adult that they have done nothing wrong in coming forward, especially as they may be feeling very anxious about the next steps or action to be taken.
Dealing with a Concern rather than a Disclosure
Both Pete and I will:
Share any specific concerns that we have regarding the Safeguarding of an individual.
Follow guidance from either the Safeguarding Lead or an alternative such as Childline as necessary, a referral may be made to the relevant Authority, including Mental Health Team, police service or social services.
Make sure that any decisions made to inform, or not act further, will be fully recorded with full reasons for this decision listed.
Make sure that when making a referral, the staff member or Safeguarding Lead will provide as much information as possible. The unavailability of full information will not prevent an attempt to report the Safeguarding concern.
Make sure the individual making the report will be prepared to provide their name and contact details and they will also take the same details from the officer/person that the concerns are reported to. This will be kept with all other notes about the situation.
Taming Olivia has a Safeguarding Report Template to use in this situation and this will be completed and stored in a secure place.
The safeguarding lead will also keep notes of all reported safeguarding incidents or consultations, any advice given and action taken. This chronological record will be kept securely and can be used as evidence if required.
Safeguarding and Professional Boundaries:
• Those working for Taming Olivia will maintain boundaries to protect both themselves and services users – preventing a Safeguarding situation arising from the misuse of personal information or over familiarity.
• Staff will not share their own (or others), personal contact details or social media details with anyone using the services of Taming Olivia.
• Present or future staff, volunteers and trustees will not share personal information about their family and friends to any service user. However, Taming Olivia does recognise that it may be appropriate to demonstrate a genuine empathy and understanding of others. This will be done in a way that will prevent the identification and protect the details of family members and friends.
Taming Olivia Safeguarding Report
• To be copied and used when required.
• Remember to date and sign each entry on the sheet – use additional sheets as necessary and secure them together. This record could be used as evidence.
• When the Safeguarding incident has been dealt with, ensure a full record is completed and kept securely in Taming Olivia Office. Remember to record any decisions made – especially overriding an individual’s wishes and the reason for this. If you believe that someone is in immediate danger or an individual lacks capacity at the time concern, then these are reasons to take action.
Taming Olivia’s Safeguarding contacts:
• Safeguarding Lead, Contact: Catherine Benfield
• Dial 999 for an ambulance if emergency medical attention is required.
• Dial 999 for the police if a child or adult is in immediate danger. To support delivery of this document safeguarding procedures are in place for each service.
Taming Olivia Safeguarding Report Example:
To be filed in the confidential safeguarding folder
Date and time this report was opened:___________________________________
Name and job title of the reporting person
Details of the safeguarding concern
Date and time the report was made
Input/direction of the safeguarding lead
Action to be taken and agencies to be contacted (including contact details) (if needed)
Response of the agency (if relevant)
Follow-up required ?
Further risk assessment needed for service user / additional support required? Include overview.
Full Debrief and review undertaken ? include overview.
Additional information attached to the report ?
Signed Reporting Staff member _______________________________________________________
Dated Reporting Staff Member ________________________________________________________
Signed Safeguarding Lead _______________________________________________________
Dated Safeguarding Lead