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Adults with OCD

Dealing with OCD can be incredibly challenging and isolating. It can be difficult to know who to turn to. Please know this, there are a WORLD of resources out there to support you and a wonderful community waiting to welcome you. Empower yourself by learning everything you can about OCD and where best to get the support and information that will help you with recovery. You are one of millions who've dealt with this, a load of the work has been done already, you just need to know where to find it. I hope this helps to start you off. Sending you loads and loads of love. 



The absolute best thing you can do when starting to look for resources and support is to familiarise yourself with the content of these charities/ organisations. Especially the top four. They have an incredible amount of support for families and for people of all ages ages. The charities host support group sessions, have help lines and have incredible teams that can help you with anything. Start there!  


OCD Action

OCD Action is the national charity focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

They are a fabulous London-based charity - their support is nation wide. Check out their website to hear about all the wonderful help and support they can give you. 


Run by the amazing Ashley Fulwood with help from a brilliant range of volunteers. 

The International OCD Foundation 

This is a one stop shop for learning about OCD and the information it holds will probably answer many of the questions you have about the disorder. It’s U.S. based so their lists of therapists and courses are somewhat limited for us in the UK but you can’t beat this website for educating you on all things OCD. There’s also a huge section on OCD in children so if you’re a parent or carer this information could prove invaluable.


The OCD Stories 

Created and run by the incredible Stuart Ralph, this podcast is amazing. Every week Stu brings out an interview with someone from the OCD community - therapists, psychologists, advocates, etc. The podcast has been going for years and hosts interviews with people from all over the world - it is an enormous and vital resources for us. He has quite literally created a huge online library, of the highest quality, for us to find out everything we can about OCD and recovery.  

Maternal OCD Charity 

This is an amazing charity, run by Diana Wilson and Maria Bavetta. The charity works very closely with OCD Action. The do not provide a one-to-one advocacy service but the information on their website is incredible. 

Triumph Over Phobia: TOP UK

This charity supports self help for phobias and OCD. It also runs support groups through the week. 


Made of Millions

An excellent resource for all those dealing with OCD centering around intrusive thoughts. This non-profit was founded by Rose Cartwright and Aaron Harvey - both of whom grew up with, and still experience, distressing intrusive thoughts.  This page talks openly about harm and sexual based intrusive thoughts.

Orchard OCD 

A charity that focuses on developing treatments for OCD. 

Unstuck: An OCD Kids Movie 

Chris Baier's daughter has OCD and after a particularly difficult summer decided, with the rest of his family, to advocate for OCD in children. His first stop, this beautiful and incredibly moving documentary by Chris himself and Kelly Anderson. It follows the journeys of young people with OCD in an interview format from the start of symptoms surfacing all the way through to getting diagnosed, therapy, exposure and a future beyond the reaches of debilitating OCD. It's difficult to put into words just how incredibly brave and eloquent every single one of these young people are - the documentary is as informative and it is inspiring. 

They also host facebook live interviews with young people with OCD.

OCD Western Australia

OCD WA was founded to ensure people in Western Australia with OCD and Related Disorders (OCRDs) have access to the best treatment and support.

Dr Leigh Sheppard, their Founder, struggled with OCD for decades before her diagnosis. Although the diagnosis provided clarity, she faced challenges in finding peers and navigating treatment system access. Recognising the need for change, Leigh and her peers established OCD WA.

Medical Services


I’ll do a separate post on this soon but, for now, this is the place to go if you aren’t feeling low, depressed, anxious, etc. Most GPS have a standard waiting list in the UK and this can be weeks. Remember you can ask for an emergency appointment, or at least a phone call from your Dr. There’s a likelihood you will probably be asked if you want to go on medication, again this is a personal choice – do your research. REMEMBER to ask about therapy and getting on a waiting list. Even if you decide to take medication, it is important to ask your GP what other treatment is also out there for you. They may not always think to offer it or mention it, so it may be down to you to ask. Some waiting lists can be long so getting on it as soon as possible is a good idea. I wrote about medication here, but please remember I'm not a professional. 


NHS: Talking Therapies for Anxiety and Depression (previously called IAPT - Improving Access to Psychological Therapies)

These tend to be divided into geographical areas and in London it’s split into boroughs so the service you get may differ depending on where you live. This service is a great idea as it cuts out the need to see a General Practitioner and gets you through to a phone assessment for CBT and other talk therapies much quicker. From the assessment, you go into treatment. Again, depending on where you live the waiting list times can vary.  If you can’t find one for your area contact your GP surgery. They will be able to give you the information. The service may also be called something else in your area, a quick enquiry at your GP surgery will also help you find out what it is. ​​

Accident and Emergency (A&E) or Urgent Care

If you feel you are in immediate need of help, in crisis, distress, or at risk please click here if that feels too much (and that totally okay!) visit your nearest A&E department. A mental health crisis can feel extremely scary, and it can take real courage to recognise that you need immediate support. I know loads of people, myself included who have gone through a mental health crisis, and who needed crisis care, who are now living totally normal lives. You deserve to get the support you need!

Local crisis support

Many areas have crisis teams and crisis helplines. It's well worth making sure you know what services they provide and how to contact them. They might be able to arrange phone support, home visits, etc.    


Some books may be free to read on prescription from the NHS via your GP. You can check here. At the time of writing Break Free from OCD was available on it and it is an excellent book. 


Non Fiction

Break Free from OCD: Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with CBT 

Fiona Challacombe, Victoria Bream Oldfield, Paul M. Salkovskis

Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder   

Rob Wilson and David Veale.


The Mindfulness Workbook for OCD: A Guide to Overcoming Obsessions and Compulsions Using Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

Jon Hershfield, MFT and Tom Corboy, MFT, foreword by James Claibor

Overcoming Harm OCD: Mindfulness and CBT Tools for Coping with Unwanted Violent Thoughts   

Jon Hershfield, MFT

When a Family Member Has OCD: Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioral Skills to Help Families Affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder        

Jon Hershfield, MFT

Overcoming Unwanted Intrusive Thoughts: A CBT-Based Guide to Getting Over Frightening, Obsessive, or Disturbing Thoughts  

Martin Seif and Sally M. Winston. 

Needing to Know for Sure: A CBT-Based Guide to Overcoming Compulsive Checking and Reassurance Seeking 

Martin Seif and Sally M. Winston. 


The Man Who Couldn't Stop: OCD and the true story of a life lost in thought

David Adams

Mad Girl: A happy life with a mixed-up mind 

Bryony Gordon has OCD and has written about her experiences with it. She also started Mental Health Mates which is incredible too. She’s funny, witty and honest (sometimes painfully so). A must read for those who have experience of living with OCD without ‘coming out’ about it and for women with OCD who have gone through pregnancy and motherhood. ​

Mad Woman: Menopause, Overeating and OCD. How to survive in a world that thinks you're the problem. 

This is Bryony's second, follow up book to Mad Girl. It promises to be an excellent read.  

Break Free from Maternal Anxiety: A Self-Help Guide for Pregnancy, Birth and the First Postnatal Year

Fiona Challacombe

The Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Workbook Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal, Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation & Distress Tolerance 

Matthew McKay PH.D. Jeffrey C. Wood, PSY.D.​ Jeffrey Brantely, MD. Not Strictly used for OCD but this has been one of the most helpful books I've ever read. 



There are OCD specific apps being created alongside the NHS at the minute. They are currently in their testing phases. Please watch this space - I'll update it as soon as soon as I get more information. 

Social Media

You can find the majority of social media pages through the websites above. It is so important to make sure we are looking after ourselves online. It is very easy to fall into the trap of reassurance seeking on social media. 

Laura Johnson aka OCD Doodles

Laura doodles her experiences with OCD. They are bright, positive and informative - be sure to check them out on Instagram!

Alegra Kastens

Therapist based in NY. 'obsessivelyeverafter' on Instagram - informative and extremely validating page about OCD. 

Chrissie Hodges

Runs OCD Game Changers.. Talks openly and brilliantly about intrusive thoughts. Is a certified peer support worker and runs an extremely popular youtube channel where she talks all about OCD.  

Kimberley Quinlan, LMFT

Runs online exposure and therapy courses through CBT School. Also has an amazingly compassionate Instagram page. 

Self help 

Get Self Help 

I've used this website to help support the therapy I've had in the past and the homework that I do now. It provides CBT self help and therapy resources, including worksheets and information sheets and self help mp3s. It has some really information pages on OCD. The worksheets are free to access and print.



  • There are whole communities of people living with OCD out there on the internet. We're an international, tight knit and supportive community. There will be LOADS of people on social media who are not on these lists on this page. I deliberately only included the people who are in the public eye already and who I know really well. To find others, keep an eye out for those talking about OCD – you’ll soon find lots of other people who have been through the same as you and understand the journey you are on.

  • PLEASE remember that although it’s fantastic to find people who have been through similar to us, and to feel the massive relief that we are not alone, it is also essential that we focus on recovery. Try not to spend too long caught up in chats about how hard life with OCD can be. Yes, there’s a place for that too, but try to use the groups for hope and recovery ideas and if you’re coming away from them feeling defeated rather than hopeful it may be time to leave that particular group. Also keep an eye out for repeated reassurance seeking - that is a compulsion and can make OCD much worse. 

  • Whilst searching, you're likely to come across the term 'Pure O'. Everyone seems to have their own opinion about whether this term should be used or not, but basically it is used to refer to someone who has internal compulsions. They do not visibly display any outward signs of compulsion but will do so 'internally'. Examples of internal compulsions are things like scanning memories for evidence, seeking reassurance through memories of previous experiences, etc. Whatever your view, it's all OCD and that content will help you too.  

Please make sure you look after yourself when you are online. There are a few of people working within the community who take money for doing therapy even if they aren't trained professionals  (the term 'therapist' isn't protected in many countries and anyone can use it). Non-professionals SHOULD NOT be doing therapy - it can be dangerous and is highly unethical. 

For more information on how to safely use the services of advocates please check out this blog. 

​And just a quick note to say that in England if you are feeling very poorly you are advised to head to your local A and E department. Or if you have been given a crisis number by your Dr to ring them and they can get help to you. Please do this if you need to, there is no shame in it, I’ve done it. It takes a strong person to realise they need support. You’re far too important not to ask for it.

Lots of love everyone. 

Catherine xx



The Wonderful World of Taming Olivia Newsletter!

Every month, we bring out a newsletter that includes loads of information about OCD, including information about upcoming in-person and online events, updates from the community and Taming Olivia, and signposts onto support. We also give away free well-being resources with each newsletter, these resources are bright, positive, and designed to help you develop skills that will support your well-being for life. Focusing on compassion and including all original art, we hope they help you to make a difference. You can join our wonderful little community here.

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